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How Pain Impacts Your Mental Health

How Pain Impacts Your Mental Health

Have you been experiencing persistent pain and noticed an increase in feelings of sadness, anxiety, or even hopelessness? Chances are it’s not a coincidence. The relationship between physical pain and mental health is a two-way street. 

Board-certified neurologist and interventional pain management specialist Daljit S. Buttar, MD, and the team at Raleigh Spine and Pain Center in Raleigh, North Carolina, specialize in diagnosing and treating different types of pain. 

We understand better than most how physical pain can affect mental well-being. To help you better understand the link between pain and mental health, we’ve crafted this informative post.

Pain and the brain

Pain isn't just a sensation; it's an experience that your brain interprets and processes. When your body senses pain, it sends signals through your nervous system to your brain. 

Over time, chronic pain can change the structure and functionality of certain areas of your brain, especially those involved in perception, mood, and stress response. In addition, prolonged pain can lead to a reduction in the brain's gray matter.

Your gray matter is the part of the brain responsible for emotions, decision-making, and self-control. When your gray matter diminishes, it can lead to increased or worsening feelings of depression, anxiety, and other emotional disturbances.

Some of the mental health symptoms associated with ongoing physical pain include:

These symptoms can affect many aspects of your life and relationships. For example, you might experience a fear of movement, thinking it might aggravate the pain. This can limit your physical activity, leading to weakened muscles and other health problems. 

Additionally, social withdrawal, combined with sleep disturbances and constant discomfort, can lead to feelings of loneliness, further deepening the cycle of despair, anxiety, or depression.

How pain management can help ease mental distress

Understanding the profound connection between pain and mental health, our team at the Raleigh Spine and Pain Center prioritizes a holistic approach to patient care. As a neurologist, Dr. Buttar knows all too well the intricate dance between the brain, pain, and mental well-being.

Dr. Buttar gives each patient a comprehensive evaluation, which helps him determine the root cause of the pain. With this information in hand, Dr. Buttar creates a personalized treatment plan. 

Everyone’s plan is different and tailored to their needs. For example, your plan might involve medication management, physical therapy, or interventional procedures, such as nerve blocks or epidurals.

In addition, because our team understands the deep-seated link between pain and mental health, we can collaborate with mental health professionals, making sure you receive comprehensive, well-rounded care that addresses both your physical and emotional needs.

To learn more about the connection between pain and your mental health, or to get treatment for chronic pain, call 919-867-3176 or book an appointment online with Raleigh Spine and Pain Center today.

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